
Train running status Windows Phone 8 App Available.
Download National Train Enquiry System Windows Phone 8 App to check train running status on Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 Phone, Spot Your Train on Windows Phone 8 App, Get train schedule on Windows Phone 8.1 App, Check train between stations on Windows Phone 8 App, cancelled / Recheduled / Diverted Trains list on your Windows Phone 8 App.

Works with
  • Windows Phone 8.1
  • Windows Phone 8
Indian Railways Official app for travelers using railways for taking holiday vacation trips, official trips, tours, and daily commute. Site provides train-running related and real-time status queries for all trains of India.

Train running status Android mobile app Features-
Spot Your Train : Spot your train on Windows Phone 8 App, Train running status on Windows Phone 8.1 App any time any where
Live Station : Live station status for particular time interval. A list of train will be displayed for your specific search in Live station status section
Train Schedule : Enter train name / Train Number to get train schedule for particular train in your Windows Phone 8 App.
Trains between Stations : Find train between any two station on your Windows Phone 8.1 App.
Cancelled Trains : By Clicking the "Trains Cancelled" you can get list of Fully Cancelled Trains / Partially Cancelled Trains.
Rescheduled Trains : By Clicking "Rescheduled" you can get list of Rescheduled trains for particular day time.
Diverted Trains: By clicking "Diverted" you can get list of Diverted trains.


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