
Train running status Android mobile app.
Download National Train Enquiry System Android App to check train running status on mobile, Spot Your Train on android mobile, Get train schedule on mobile, Check train between stations on mobile, cancelled / Recheduled / Diverted Trains list on your android mobile.

Indian Railways Official app for travelers using railways for taking holiday vacation trips, official trips, tours, and daily commute. Site provides train-running related and real-time status queries for all trains of India.
Train running status Android mobile app Features-
Spot Your Train : Spot your train on mobile, Train running status on android mobile any time any where
Live Station : Live station status for particular time interval. A list of train will be displayed for your specific search in Live station status section
Train Schedule : Enter train name / Train Number to get train schedule for particular train in your android mobile.
Trains between Stations : Find train between any two station on your android mobile app.
Cancelled Trains : By Clicking the "Trains Cancelled" you can get list of Fully Cancelled Trains / Partially Cancelled Trains.
Rescheduled Trains : By Clicking "Rescheduled" you can get list of Rescheduled trains for particular day time.
Diverted Trains: By clicking "Diverted" you can get list of Diverted trains.



  1. Your website is really cool and this is a great inspiring article. Thank you so much.
    Railway Enquiry
