
Indian Railways Station Incoming and Outgoing Traffic live - Most frequently visited cities.

Check Indian Railways Incoming and Outgoing Traffic for particular station. Here you can get most frequently visited cities stations list from a particular city station. You just need to take a station and this tool tell you where are people traveling to most from there.

A first of its kind - Insights is a travel tool powered by intelligent big data mining to give you the most comprehensive view of your train/station or destination. This can also be used as a decision making tool to choose between many options for your journey.

How to check any Station Incoming and Outgoing Traffic online or how to check most frequently visited cities?
  • Click on "Station Incoming/Outgoing Traffic" link, then "Most frequently visited cities" page will be displayed.
  • Under "Most frequently visited cities" page enter Station Name or Station code.
  • Click on "Go" button.

Then list of Stations will be displayed with traffic in percentage i.e. Incoming traffic or Outgoing traffic for particular station.

As for Example:
Outgoing traffic from New Delhi | NDLS

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