Train between Stations live, IRCTC Train Routes Online, Indian Railway Trains between important stations. Find all trains between two important stations including reserved, unreserved and passenger trains.
Note: Here you can also check Train route live on google map between two stations. You just need to point cursor on any train(from list of train) then train route on google map for particular train will be displayed. This feature in only shown on windows web browser( RailyYatri may be soon available train route on google map on mobile)
How to Check Train between two stations online or Train Routes on google Map live?
then list of Indian Railways Trains between important stations will be displayed. Also you can check Train Routes on google Map live.
As for example: Searching Train between New Delhi railway Station To Patna railway Station.
Note: Here you can also check Train route live on google map between two stations. You just need to point cursor on any train(from list of train) then train route on google map for particular train will be displayed. This feature in only shown on windows web browser( RailyYatri may be soon available train route on google map on mobile)
How to Check Train between two stations online or Train Routes on google Map live?
- Click on "Trains between Stations" link, then Trains between Stations page will be displayed.
- Under "Trains between Stations" page Enter From Station Name or Station code.
- Enter To Station Name or Station code(To Station box is Optional, i.e you may or may not fill this box)
- Select Day of Travel for which day you want to find Train between Stations i.e. For All day of week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
- Click on "Go" button.
then list of Indian Railways Trains between important stations will be displayed. Also you can check Train Routes on google Map live.
As for example: Searching Train between New Delhi railway Station To Patna railway Station.
Most of the time I don’t make comments on websites, but I'd like to say that this article really forced me to do so. Really nice post!
ReplyDeleteIndian Railway Enquiry
It is very nice article ...Get Train Schedule , Train Between stations....
ReplyDeleteTrain Between Two Stations
Very helpful information about train running between two stations.
ReplyDeleteTrain Between Two Stations and Fare
Excellent info given here, now IRCTC Train Between Two Station and pnr status can be checked online.
Its very nice now we can see our train route online from google map, and we can do IRCTC Registerto book tickets.
ReplyDeleteit was a wonderful chance to visit this kind of site and I am happy to know. thank you so much for giving us a chance to have this opportunity.. pnr status
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